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Happy Halloween

The time is just about upon us and it always seems to come quicker each year. Halloween seems to be one of those holidays that can also really add some inspiration for imagination as well as fantasy themes. I've spent most of my weekends this month working my job and working as actor in a local haunted house and its been fun. (If you haven't guessed yet, that's me on the left!)

This month I wanted to create some kind of piece for the spirit of halloweeen and by chance, fate or the grace of god, I got the opportunity to make one that fits with the theme of halloweeen. Nevermore Productions asked me to create an old school metal album cover for their faux band in their movie "The Barn". It was a challenge to get it crafted and fun as well.

You can read more about that commission by clicking on the thumbnail below. I also uploaded a special memorandum illustration as well as another marriage coat of arms.

Happy Halloweeen Everyone!


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