When you think you SAW it all.
Not that long ago I picked up a commission from a coworker, which started out because I told them how I was in talks with someone else to do a tole painting on an old saw they had. They had an old saw as well and thought about having a painting done on it and asked me to do it. They wanted to have an american flag painted on the saw, so I took a picture of the saw and used photoshop to come up with some rough concepts to show them what was possible and this was the concept that was chosen:
It's been a while since I've done a tole painting, but it came back to me pretty quick as I went about painting this one and it was also a great learning experience. Since I wasn't painting on a traditional medium like canvas or paper, it took a lot more time for the paint to dry to the metal of the saw in order to allow more layers to be painted. To add to the depth of the design, if you look closely you can see white stitching in the blue and the red to give it a feel of a traditional cloth flag.
It was a fun project and hopefully I'll get to try my hand at a few more in the future. Other projects I'm currently working on are adding color to some old sketches I made a number of years ago, also working on another painting and some special portraits which I'm eager to share when they're done.
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